The Mark 8, S.E.5, and RM-1 will shock through medium to heavy vegetation. The S.E.5 and RM-1 are the best choice for high tensile fences and can charge over 50 miles (S.E.5) and 100 miles (RM-1). These are the top AC models for the medium and larger fences. Model MARK 8 (BETTER) Model S.E.5 (BEST) Model RM-1 (BEST) The FM-3 is not recommended for sheep or deer fences. The FM-3 is ideal for hogs, cattle and horses. Model FM-3 (110v-120v AC) (GOOD) This AC model is for small to medium size pastures and will shock through a medium amount of weeds, brush, etc. Dual flashing operating light (red/green) on the HS-100 and single operating light on the EM-200. & Canada) Shocks through a light amount of weeds & brush, advanced solid-state circuitry. Works well with small to large sized animals including dogs or horses. and MAG-12-SP can be used to fence large animals and larger pastures. Both models are low impedance and will shock through weeds and brush and are ideal for cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, deer, etc. (BEST) MAG-12-SP (BEST) These are 12 volt models designed for medium to large pastures. It is designed for small to medium size pastures and is ideal for hogs, cattle and horses. The DF-SP-LI is low impedance and will shock through a light amount of wet weeds and brush. MODEL DF-SP-LI (BEST) This is a six volt, solar powered model designed to be used on clear weed free fences. We make the following suggestions on our most popular models: Parmak offers ten (10) models which will meet any fencing requirement. The model you choose will depend on the fence construction and the animals you are controlling. The application of electric fence varies widely from fencing small pets such as cats, dogs to domestic livestock, cattle, horses, hogs, sheep to fencing wild animals, deer, bear, (elephants in Africa), etc. Recommendations on which fence charger to use under various needs.